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Blog Posts (16)

  • Aid for Haiti: Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 Policy

    **1. Overview** As part of our humanitarian campaign, Aid for Haiti , when you purchase 3 eligible items from our store, you will get ONE free AND we will donate 1 essential item to a family or individual in need in Haiti. This initiative is aimed at providing much-needed supplies to communities affected by poverty, natural disasters, and other hardships. **2. Eligibility** The "Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1" offer is valid on selected items clearly marked in our online store. This offer applies to both individual and bulk purchases, as long as 3 or more eligible items are purchased in a single transaction. **3. Gift Donation** For every 3 eligible items purchased, you will get ONE free AND we will donate 1 essential item to a family or individual in Haiti. Essential items may include tents, portable beds, portable water filters, educational materials, food prep essentials, or essential survival kits, depending on the needs of the Haitian community at the time of donation. Donated items will be selected by our partner organizations based on priority needs and distributed directly to needy communities worldwide via international non-profit organizations (such as Unicef, Salvation Army, Goodwill, etc) or international humanitarian-aid focused missionaries. **4. How It Works** When you purchase 3 qualifying items, we will send you one FREE and the donation will be automatically triggered. No additional action is required on your part. Donations will be made on a monthly basis in collaboration with trusted humanitarian organizations operating in Haiti. All purchases contributing to the "Gift 1" donation will be acknowledged in your order confirmation email, and you will receive updates on the impact of your contribution through our campaign newsletter. **5. Limitations** This offer cannot be combined with any other discounts, promotions, or campaigns unless specifically stated. The donated item is not a free product sent to the buyer but rather an essential item delivered directly to those in need in Haiti. **6. Reporting & Transparency** Regular updates on the progress of the Aid for Haiti campaign, including the number of items donated and the impact on local communities, will be shared via our website and social media platforms. We are committed to transparency and will provide periodic reports on the allocation and distribution of donated items through our partner organizations. **7. Campaign Duration** This Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 policy is part of our ongoing humanitarian campaign and will continue until further notice. AquaSoul Home Decor reserves the right to modify or terminate the campaign at any time. By participating in the Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 campaign, you are not only purchasing quality products but also making a meaningful contribution to the lives of those in need in Haiti. Thank you for joining us in this mission to provide aid and support to vulnerable communities. Would you rather donate funds to help us with improving humanitarian efforts in 3rd World Countries and those in need in the USA? Visit our Fundraising Initiative on GoFundMe: : You can also donate from our Catalog Tip Jar.

  • Embracing Diversity in Communication: Why It Matters and How We Can All Participate

    In a world that's becoming more interconnected each day, diverse communication is not just an option—it's a necessity. Understanding and embracing diverse communication allows us to bridge gaps between cultures, religions, languages, and perspectives, helping to foster a more inclusive and cooperative global community. In this blog, we'll explore what diverse communication is, why it's so important, and how each of us can participate in it. We'll also discuss good practices for international communication and what to avoid when engaging in diverse conversations. What is Diverse Communication? Diverse communication refers to the exchange of ideas, thoughts, and information between individuals or groups from different cultural, linguistic, social, or religious backgrounds. It’s about creating a dialogue that transcends traditional boundaries and incorporates the unique viewpoints, experiences, and values of all participants. Diverse communication can take many forms, including: Cross-cultural dialogues Multilingual exchanges Interfaith discussions Conversations about gender, race, and socio-economic differences Online forums that bring people together from around the world The goal is to engage in meaningful conversations that respect, reflect, and celebrate the differences that make our world so vibrant. Why is Diverse Communication Important? In a globalized world, our interactions are no longer limited to people who share our culture, language, or background. Whether in business, education, or social settings, we’re constantly communicating with individuals who have different perspectives and life experiences. This is where the importance of diverse communication comes in: Fosters Understanding:  Diverse communication breaks down stereotypes and misconceptions by allowing people to understand each other's perspectives. Encourages Collaboration:  In a diverse workplace or community, effective communication leads to better teamwork, problem-solving, and creativity by drawing on a wide range of ideas and viewpoints. Strengthens Relationships:  Building relationships across different backgrounds fosters empathy and connection, making us more compassionate global citizens. Supports Global Business:  For companies operating internationally, understanding and engaging in diverse communication helps them connect with customers, partners, and markets in meaningful ways. Promotes Inclusivity:  By embracing diversity in communication, we create an inclusive environment where everyone feels heard, respected, and valued. Why Does It Matter? Diverse communication matters because it helps create a world where people of different races, ethnicities, religions, genders, and cultures can coexist peacefully and productively. Without diverse communication, we risk isolating ourselves into echo chambers where only familiar voices are heard, which can lead to misunderstandings, prejudice, and even conflict. When we engage in conversations with people who are different from us, we expand our worldview and challenge our assumptions. We learn that there’s more than one way to think, solve problems, and experience life. This broadens our perspective and helps us become more adaptable and open-minded in all areas of life. How Can You Participate in Diverse Communication? Participating in diverse communication starts with an open mind and a willingness to learn. Here are a few ways you can actively engage in it: Listen Actively:  Approach conversations with the intent to understand rather than just to respond. Listening to others’ viewpoints without judgment is the first step toward meaningful communication. Ask Questions:  Don’t be afraid to ask questions when you don’t understand something. This shows that you’re interested in learning and gaining a deeper understanding. Expand Your Network:  Surround yourself with people from different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences. This could be in your personal life, workplace, or online communities. Learn a New Language:  Speaking another language can open up entirely new worlds of communication and understanding. Even learning basic phrases shows respect and willingness to connect. Engage in Cross-Cultural Experiences:  Attend cultural events, festivals, or discussions that allow you to experience life from different perspectives. Share Your Own Experiences:  Diverse communication is a two-way street. Sharing your background, thoughts, and culture helps others understand your perspective as well. Why Should Others Participate in Diverse Communication? Encouraging others to participate in diverse communication can lead to many positive outcomes: Personal Growth:  It opens people’s minds to new ideas, fostering personal growth and emotional intelligence. Enhanced Collaboration:  In professional environments, diverse communication leads to stronger, more effective collaboration, helping teams work together more productively. Cultural Sensitivity:  Engaging in diverse conversations helps individuals become more culturally aware and sensitive, reducing the risk of misunderstandings or offensive behavior. Breaking Down Barriers:  The more people communicate across differences, the more barriers—whether they are cultural, social, or linguistic—are broken down. In short, when more people participate in diverse communication, it creates a ripple effect that benefits entire communities, businesses, and societies. Good Ways to Communicate Internationally When engaging in international communication, it’s essential to be mindful of cultural differences and language barriers. Here are some good practices: Respect Time Zones:  When scheduling meetings or conversations, take into account different time zones to show consideration for the other party’s schedule. Use Clear Language:  Avoid jargon or slang that may not translate well across cultures or languages. Use simple, straightforward language to avoid misunderstandings. Learn Cultural Norms:  Research the cultural norms of the people you’re communicating with. This can include greetings, body language, or even how direct communication should be. Utilize Translation Tools:  For conversations with language barriers, translation tools or services can be valuable. While they aren’t always perfect, they can bridge the communication gap. Follow-Up in Writing:  After important verbal conversations, follow up with written communication to ensure that all parties have a clear understanding of what was discussed. What to Avoid When Participating in Diverse Communication Diverse communication is a learning process, but there are a few common pitfalls to avoid: Stereotyping:  Avoid making assumptions about people based on their culture, religion, or background. Each individual is unique, and it’s important to treat them as such. Using Offensive Language:  Be mindful of the language you use, especially when discussing sensitive topics like race, religion, or gender. What’s acceptable in one culture may be deeply offensive in another. Overgeneralizing:  While it’s essential to recognize cultural differences, avoid overgeneralizing or pigeonholing people into a specific category based on their background. Imposing Your Views:  Diverse communication is about listening and understanding, not imposing your own beliefs or values on others. Ignoring Non-Verbal Cues:  In some cultures, non-verbal communication, such as gestures or eye contact, plays a significant role. Be aware of these cues to avoid miscommunication. Conclusion: Building a More Inclusive World Through Diverse Communication Diverse communication is the key to building a more inclusive, empathetic, and connected world. By engaging with others across different cultures, religions, and backgrounds, we create opportunities for learning, collaboration, and growth. Whether you’re participating in cross-cultural dialogues, connecting with international customers, or simply having a conversation with someone different from you, diverse communication helps break down barriers and build bridges. At the heart of it, diverse communication is about embracing the richness of human experience. It challenges us to step out of our comfort zones, open our minds, and connect with people on a deeper level. So, let’s all participate in creating a world where diverse communication is the norm, not the exception. Together, we can make a more inclusive and understanding global community.

  • Building Bridges, Not Walls: Embracing Diversity and Inclusivity in Our Global Community

    In an increasingly connected world, diversity and inclusivity are essential pillars that support the growth of individuals, businesses, and communities. Building bridges, rather than walls, allows for open discussions that encourage understanding, collaboration, and progress. Whether it's helping people traverse their potential, guiding businesses to find new customers and suppliers, or embracing the marvels of world cultures, diversity and inclusivity create opportunities for growth, both personally and globally. This blog will explore the importance of diversity and inclusivity, share tips on how to start open discussions in local communities, and offer insights on how we can all contribute to building a more connected and inclusive world. 1. Embracing Diversity and Inclusivity: A Global Necessity Diversity and inclusivity are more than just buzzwords; they are vital components of a thriving society. When we embrace diversity, we open ourselves up to new perspectives, ideas, and experiences that enrich our lives. Inclusivity ensures that everyone, regardless of their background, feels valued and respected. Cultural Diversity: Our world is a tapestry of cultures, each with its unique traditions, languages, and histories. Embracing cultural diversity allows us to learn from one another and appreciate the beauty of our differences. Religious and Political Diversity: In a world where religious and political beliefs often divide us, it’s crucial to foster an environment of respect and understanding. By embracing diverse beliefs, we can create spaces where open dialogue and peaceful coexistence thrive. Economic and Social Inclusivity: Inclusivity means creating opportunities for everyone, regardless of their economic or social background. This involves breaking down barriers that prevent people from accessing resources, education, and employment. 2. Helping People Explore Their Potential Every individual has the potential to achieve greatness, but not everyone has access to the resources or support needed to realize that potential. Inclusivity is about helping people traverse the obstacles in their path and explore their capabilities. Education and Mentorship: Provide educational opportunities and mentorship programs that empower individuals to develop new skills and pursue their passions. Community Support: Build supportive communities that offer guidance, encouragement, and resources to those who need it most. Whether it’s through local organizations, online forums, or social media groups, a strong support system can make all the difference. Global Networking: Encourage individuals to connect with others around the world, sharing ideas and experiences that can help them grow personally and professionally. 3. Helping Businesses Find Customers and Suppliers Diversity and inclusivity aren’t just social issues—they’re also key to business success. Companies that embrace diversity are better equipped to serve a global market, attract diverse customers, and collaborate with suppliers from different regions. Global Market Reach: Encourage businesses to expand their reach by connecting with diverse customer bases around the world. Understanding cultural preferences and practices can help businesses tailor their products and services to meet the needs of different communities. Supplier Diversity: Working with suppliers from different regions fosters inclusivity and opens up new opportunities for innovation. It also supports the growth of businesses in underrepresented markets, contributing to economic equality. Inclusive Marketing: Ensure that marketing strategies reflect the diversity of the customer base. This involves using inclusive language, imagery, and messaging that resonates with people from various backgrounds. 4. Sharing World Marvels and Cultures Our world is filled with marvels—both natural and human-made—that are steeped in the rich history of diverse cultures. Sharing these marvels is an act of inclusivity that allows us to connect with one another on a deeper level. Cultural Exchange: Promote cultural exchange programs that allow people to experience the customs, traditions, and lifestyles of others. Whether it’s through travel, virtual experiences, or cultural events, these exchanges help break down barriers and foster understanding. Art and Storytelling: Art, literature, and storytelling are powerful tools for sharing world marvels and cultures. Encourage the creation and sharing of diverse stories that highlight different perspectives and experiences. Celebrating Traditions: Organize and participate in cultural festivals and events that celebrate the diversity of our world. These events provide opportunities to learn, connect, and appreciate the richness of different cultures. 5. Embracing Diverse Religions and Political Beliefs In a world where religious and political differences often lead to conflict, it’s more important than ever to foster an environment of inclusivity and respect. Embracing diverse beliefs doesn’t mean we have to agree with everyone, but it does mean we should approach others with an open mind and a willingness to listen. Interfaith Dialogue: Encourage interfaith dialogue that promotes understanding and respect among people of different religious beliefs. These conversations can help bridge divides and create a more peaceful world. Political Inclusivity: In politics, inclusivity means creating spaces where all voices are heard, regardless of party affiliation or ideology. Encourage open discussions that prioritize respect, compromise, and collaboration. Respectful Disagreement: Teach the value of respectful disagreement. We don’t have to agree on everything, but we can still engage in conversations that lead to greater understanding and progress. 6. How to Start Conversations About Diversity and Inclusivity in Local Communities Creating an inclusive community starts with open dialogue. Here are some tips on how to initiate conversations about diversity and inclusivity in your local community: Host Community Events: Organize events that bring people together to celebrate diversity. This could be a cultural fair, a panel discussion on inclusivity, or a community potluck featuring dishes from different cultures. Create Safe Spaces: Establish safe spaces where people feel comfortable sharing their experiences and perspectives. These spaces should be free from judgment and open to all. Use Social Media: Leverage social media to promote discussions about diversity and inclusivity. Create online forums or groups where people can share their thoughts, ask questions, and engage in meaningful dialogue. Partner with Local Organizations: Collaborate with local organizations that are already working on diversity and inclusivity initiatives. This can help amplify your efforts and reach a wider audience. Lead by Example: Be a role model for inclusivity in your community. Show others that embracing diversity is not only the right thing to do but also a way to build a stronger, more connected community. Conclusion: Building Bridges for a Better Tomorrow Diversity and inclusivity are not just goals to strive for—they are the foundation of a better future. By building bridges and creating spaces for open dialogue, we can foster a world where everyone is valued, respected, and given the opportunity to reach their full potential. Whether it's helping people explore their potential, supporting businesses in finding new opportunities, or embracing the marvels of our diverse world, inclusivity makes us all stronger. Together, we can build a world that thrives on connection, understanding, and mutual respect. At AquaSoul Home Decor, we believe in building bridges, not walls. Join us on this journey toward a more inclusive and connected world. Let's continue to inspire and uplift one another by embracing the beauty of diversity.

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Other Pages (52)

  • AquaSoul Home & Gift Shop | Sensational Home Decor

    Summer Comes to an End - So did our 50% off automatic discount We are thrilled that you joined us and invited your friends to visit during our first 3-month long Summer Discount. Unfortunately, this offer has ending! Going forward, we believe that you will enjoy our sensationally soulful home decor selections. But that's not all!!! It's time to prepare for #HalloweenShopping. We are in the process of adding some really spooktabulous decor for your home, office, workplace, and party venue. Come visit us often to enjoy our #diversecommunity. From groups to special programs that help you learn from others life experiences. Humanitarian Aid for Those in Need Start Now Aid 4 Haiti Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 By participating in the Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 campaign, you are not only purchasing quality products but also making a meaningful contribution to the lives of those in need in Haiti. Thank you for joining us in this mission to provide aid and support to vulnerable communities. Quick View Retro LED Lantern Battery Operated - Halloween Castle Hanging Lamp Price From 1,83$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Solar Hand Crank USB Charging Radio Flashlight with AM/FM/NOAA Support Price 47,33$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Black Outdoor Solar Motion Sensor Light - 350° & 90° Angle, Fake Security Camera Price 119,52$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Portable Mini Keychain Light - Adventure Essential Price 5,68$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Solar Camping Shower 20L - Adventure Essential Price 64,35$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View ANTARCTICA 60-in-1 Emergency Survival Gear Kit with Tools and First Aid Price 143,55$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View 14-In-1 Outdoor Emergency Survival Kit - Tactical Gear Set Price 101,94$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View 14-in-1 Outdoor Survival Gear Kit - Adventure Essentials Price 91,47$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Ultimate Survival Vest: Versatile Outdoor Companion Price From 60,85$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Ambitelligence Rechargeable Camping Fan - Adventure Essential Price 57,60$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Portable Camping Lantern Fan - Outdoor Adventure Essential Price 91,74$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Essential Swiss Army Gear: Compact 30+ Functions Price From 16,30$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Modern Faux Leather Convertible Sofa Bed with Armrests - 65" x 32" x 14" Price From 271,68$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Best Outdoor Water Filter: Portable Purification Tool Price 32,93$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Multifunctional Canvas Harvest Pouch: Outdoor Waist Bag for Foraging Price 27,14$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Portable Stainless Steel Camping Wood Stove Backpacking Backyard Cooking BBQ Price From 52,60$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Strengthened Automatic Fishing Net - Foldable Shrimp Cage Nylon Trap Price From 9,36$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View 100-Piece Boxed Fish Hook Set with Ise Ni 3-12 Barbed Hook, Gold, Black, Silver Price From 6,76$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View 10x LED Night Fishing Bait Bite Alarm Price 32,54$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Metal Element Cube Collection: High Purity Periodic Table Samples Price 202,44$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Acrylic Periodic Table: 83 Real Elements, Easy-to-Read, Science Gifts Price 120,46$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View NOW.E. Colorful Portable Mist Spray Cup for Outdoor Sports 🌿 Price From 11,63$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Stainless Steel Wide-mouth Outdoor Sports Vacuum Flask Price From 39,44$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Motivational Tritan Water Bottle 🕒💧 Price From 7,51$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Silicone Folding Water Bottle - Compact & Convenient Portable Kettle Price From 22,48$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Colourful Reusable Stainless Steel Straws Price From 6,92$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Iron Pan Traditional Iron Wok Handmade Price From 23,26$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Iron Pot Set - Various Sizes with Lid, Basket Included Price From 20,64$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View 20cm Induction Saucepan, 1.8L Milk Pan, Non-Stick Aluminum Pot Price 60,16$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Casserole Dish Induction Saucepan w. Lid 24cm 2.2L Stock Pots NonStick Saucepan Price 109,44$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Shop, Save, Gift Time to Have Fun Outdoors Shop Our Outdoor Fun Selections Quick View Floral Print Pillow Covers - Set of 4 Cotton Cushion Covers, Red & Blue Price 24,99$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View 3pcs Mini Halloween Ghost Decorations - Outdoor Hanging Decor Price From 0,88$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View DayFlicker 1200W Fog Machine with RGB LEDs - Fog Ejector for Weddings & DJ Shows Price From 90,55$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View 35mm Blue Luminous Quartz Crystal Sphere - Glow in the Dark Stone Price From 2,53$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Retro LED Lantern Battery Operated - Halloween Castle Hanging Lamp Price From 1,83$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View 16 Inches Halloween Movable Skeleton Ornament - Ghost Festival Decoration Prop Price From 10,93$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View 12-36PCS LED Flameless Floating Taper Candles w Remote Control Halloween Decor Price From 44,75$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Realistic Large Artificial Spider Decorations - Party Props in Brown or Black Price From 1,73$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Halloween Clown Trap 3D Illusion Doormat - Non-Slip Horror Floor Mat for Home Price From 5,30$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Magic Light-Up Wands with Sound for Halloween, Birthday Parties & Cosplay Fun Price From 32,13$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Colorful Smoke Pills for Photography & Parties – Portable Smoke Bombs Price From 2,60$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Out of Stock Quick View Halloween Miniature Ghost Figurines - Resin Ornaments for Garden & DIY Decor Price From 0,13$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Poseable Skeleton Decoration for Halloween - Movable Joints for Haunted Houses Price From 6,60$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View 700-Piece Silver Disposable Dinnerware Set - Elegant Tableware for Holidays Price From 161,08$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Halloween Animatronic Clown Nurse, Voice-Controlled Horror Prop - Outdoor/Indoor Price From 72,73$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Window Wonderland LED Projector for Halloween and Christmas Display Price From 20,10$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Solar Hand Crank USB Charging Radio Flashlight with AM/FM/NOAA Support Price 47,33$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Ergonomic Pilates Ring for Yoga & Fitness, Strengthen Core, Relieve Pain Price From 20,71$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Antarctica Gear Heated Camping Chair with 12V Battery - Perfect for Outdoors Regular Price 286,77$ Sale Price $276.77 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Black Outdoor Solar Motion Sensor Light - 350° & 90° Angle, Fake Security Camera Price 119,52$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Handmade Plastic Wooden Fence Simulation for Outdoor Use, Multiple Sizes Price From 19,60$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Ambitelligence Rechargeable Camping Fan - Adventure Essential Price 57,60$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Solar Camping Shower 20L - Adventure Essential Price 64,35$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Portable Mini Keychain Light - Adventure Essential Price 5,68$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Portable Stainless Steel Camping Wood Stove Backpacking Backyard Cooking BBQ Price From 52,60$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Portable Camping Chair with Anti-Slip Feet & Carry Bag - 220 lbs Capacity Regular Price 93,13$ Sale Price $83.13 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Multifunctional Canvas Harvest Pouch: Outdoor Waist Bag for Foraging Price 27,14$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View TALE Portable Adirondack Folding Side Table: All-Weather, Fade-Resistant Regular Price 248,15$ Sale Price $238.15 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Oxford Cloth Grill Cover - Fits All Grill Size - Durable, All-Weather Protection Price From 18,70$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Best Patio Furniture: TALE All-Weather Adirondack Regular Price 469,20$ Sale Price $459.20 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart NEW ARRIVALS 5% OFF automatically All Products Explore endless possibilities and discover your next favorite items from our All Products Selections. Dive into a treasure trove of carefully curated products spanning various categories, from home decor to kitchen essentials, gifts, and beyond. Subscribe to get exclusive updates First name* Please provide your FIRST NAME so that we know how to address and greet you respectfully! Email* We'd love to keep you informed about what's happening at AquaSoul Home Decor. Please provide your consent to communicate via email. We promise to do our best NOT to overload your inbox. Join Our Mailing List Phone If you don't mind, we would be honored to keep you informed via SMS or MMS. Please provide your phone number to approve consent for this communication method. This information is NOT required. I want to subscribe to your mailing list. Double Opt-In enabled. Please follow instruction in the email that will be sent upon form submission. You can unsubscribe from our communications anytime by clicking UNSUBSCRIBE at the bottom of our emails or by texting STOP! 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If you can't give us at least a 3-star rating, please contact us to let us know how we can improve. :) Quick View Floral Print Pillow Covers - Set of 4 Cotton Cushion Covers, Red & Blue Price 24,99$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View 3pcs Mini Halloween Ghost Decorations - Outdoor Hanging Decor Price From 0,88$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View DayFlicker 1200W Fog Machine with RGB LEDs - Fog Ejector for Weddings & DJ Shows Price From 90,55$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View 3D Skull Ice Mold - Silicone Tray for Halloween, Ice Cubes, Candy, & Cookies Price From 2,68$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View 80cm Anime Roronoa Zoro Katana Sword - Wooden Enma for Halloween Party Gifts Price From 63,35$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Abyss Devil Peeping Shadows Window Stickers - Spooky Halloween Wall Decal Price From 3,63$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Book of The Damned Halloween Decor - Realistic Necronomicon Prop Price From 24,20$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View 35mm Blue Luminous Quartz Crystal Sphere - Glow in the Dark Stone Price From 2,53$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Retro LED Lantern Battery Operated - Halloween Castle Hanging Lamp Price From 1,83$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View 16 Inches Halloween Movable Skeleton Ornament - Ghost Festival Decoration Prop Price From 10,93$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View 12-36PCS LED Flameless Floating Taper Candles w Remote Control Halloween Decor Price From 44,75$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Realistic Large Artificial Spider Decorations - Party Props in Brown or Black Price From 1,73$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View 3D Goth Raven Skull Necklace - Halloween Pendant with Wooden Box & Leather Cord Price From 12,78$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Halloween Clown Trap 3D Illusion Doormat - Non-Slip Horror Floor Mat for Home Price From 5,30$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Printed Halloween Car Mirror Charms - Fun & Unique Acrylic Interior Decorations Price From 3,13$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Realistic Bloody Eyeball Halloween Props - Creepy Latex Bloodshot Eyes Pranks Price From 4,95$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Magic Light-Up Wands with Sound for Halloween, Birthday Parties & Cosplay Fun Price From 32,13$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Colorful Smoke Pills for Photography & Parties – Portable Smoke Bombs Price From 2,60$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Out of Stock Quick View Halloween Miniature Ghost Figurines - Resin Ornaments for Garden & DIY Decor Price From 0,13$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Poseable Skeleton Decoration for Halloween - Movable Joints for Haunted Houses Price From 6,60$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View 700-Piece Silver Disposable Dinnerware Set - Elegant Tableware for Holidays Price From 161,08$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Halloween Animatronic Clown Nurse, Voice-Controlled Horror Prop - Outdoor/Indoor Price From 72,73$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View California King 14-Inch Hybrid Memory Foam Mattress with Pocket Springs in a Box Price From 444,50$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Set of 2 Charging Bedside Tables with LED, Gun Drawers, Sensor Design Price From 305,23$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Out of Stock Quick View Modern 9-Drawer Dresser with LED Lights, Wood Cabinet for Bedroom & Living Room Price From 431,30$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View California King Bed Frame w/ Storage Drawers, LED Lights, USB Ports & Headboard Price From 664,83$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Stylish Bowtie Flat Sandals for Women – Comfortable, Versatile, and Elegant Price 29,85$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Women's Embroidered Rajasthani Mojari - Juti for Women Price 29,85$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View White 47" Computer Desk w/ Drawers - Modern Work Desk for Home Office & Bedroom Price From 177,28$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Classic Puresoft PU Mid-Back Office Desk Chair - Adjustable, Padded Comfort Price From 171,35$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Discover the ultimate convenience and savings with our Free Shipping Collection Browse through an extensive range of high-quality home decor, kitchenware, gifts, and more, all eligible for free shipping to your doorstep. From stylish home accents to practical kitchen essentials, our collection has something for every taste and need. Quick View DayFlicker 1200W Fog Machine with RGB LEDs - Fog Ejector for Weddings & DJ Shows Price From 90,55$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View 80cm Anime Roronoa Zoro Katana Sword - Wooden Enma for Halloween Party Gifts Price From 63,35$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Magic Light-Up Wands with Sound for Halloween, Birthday Parties & Cosplay Fun Price From 32,13$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View 700-Piece Silver Disposable Dinnerware Set - Elegant Tableware for Holidays Price From 161,08$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View California King 14-Inch Hybrid Memory Foam Mattress with Pocket Springs in a Box Price From 444,50$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Set of 2 Charging Bedside Tables with LED, Gun Drawers, Sensor Design Price From 305,23$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Out of Stock Quick View Modern 9-Drawer Dresser with LED Lights, Wood Cabinet for Bedroom & Living Room Price From 431,30$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View California King Bed Frame w/ Storage Drawers, LED Lights, USB Ports & Headboard Price From 664,83$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Classic Puresoft PU Mid-Back Office Desk Chair - Adjustable, Padded Comfort Price From 171,35$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Elegant HongDian Blue Magpie Fountain Pen - Hand-Drawn Design Price From 36,98$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Mpow M5 Bluetooth 5.0 Truck Driver Headset with Mic, 13H Talk, Hands-Free Call Price From 38,38$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Mpow M5 Pro Bluetooth 5.0 Headset with Mic & Charging Base, 18H Talk Time Price From 56,85$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Mpow Pro Bluetooth 5.0 Wireless Headphone with Mic, 13H Talk Time Price From 33,50$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Ergonomic High Back Office Chair with Lumbar Support and Adjustable Features Price From 188,18$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View VEVOR 12/17 Inch Heavy-Duty Manual Paper Cutter - 300-500 Sheets Guillotine Price From 224,58$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Multipurpose Home Office Desk with Storage and Keyboard Shelf - Black/Brown Price From 99,88$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Antarctica Gear Heated Camping Chair with 12V Battery - Perfect for Outdoors Regular Price 286,77$ Sale Price $276.77 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View ANTARCTICA 60-in-1 Emergency Survival Gear Kit with Tools and First Aid Price 143,55$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Convertible 3-in-1 Sleeper Sofa Chair Bed with Adjustable Backrest, Modern Linen Price From 411,20$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Convertible L-Shaped Sectional Sofa with Reversible Chaise, for Small Spaces Price From 686,25$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Convertible 3-Seat L-Shaped Sectional Sofa with Linen Fabric & Movable Ottoman Price From 229,63$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Convertible Sectional L-Shaped Storage Sofa with Ottoman, Small Space Reversible Price From 1 012,40$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Convertible Sectional Sofa Couch, 3 Seat L-Shaped Sofa with Linen Fabric Price From 490,70$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Modern Beige Linen 3-Seat L-Shaped Sofa with Reversible Storage Ottoman Price From 604,88$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View US Teddy Velvet Loveseat Sofa, Modern Couch for Living Room, 2-3 Seater Price From 596,68$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Queen Bed Frame with Luxury Wingback Upholstered Button Tufted Storage Headboard Price From 300,00$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View LED Bed Frame, 2 Storage Drawers, Solid Wood Slats, No Boxspring Needed Price From 590,98$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Modern Moroccan Fabric Square Retro Durable Bed Frame with Storage and Outlets Price From 349,83$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Convertible Faux Leather Futon Sofa Bed with Mattress - Black or Tan Price From 311,33$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Modern Faux Leather Convertible Sofa Bed with Armrests - 65" x 32" x 14" Price From 271,68$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Shop Now Experience the joy of cooking and entertaining with the finest kitchen essentials. Discover everything you need to transform your kitchen into a culinary haven. Whether you're a seasoned chef or an enthusiastic home cook, our Kitchen Collection has something for every skill level and preference. From cutting-edge appliances to elegant servingware, we've handpicked each item to ensure superior performance and durability. Quick View Abyss Devil Peeping Shadows Window Stickers - Spooky Halloween Wall Decal Price From 3,63$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View 3D Skull Ice Mold - Silicone Tray for Halloween, Ice Cubes, Candy, & Cookies Price From 2,68$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Halloween Clown Trap 3D Illusion Doormat - Non-Slip Horror Floor Mat for Home Price From 5,30$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Halloween Miniature Ghost Figurines - Resin Ornaments for Garden & DIY Decor Price From 0,13$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View 700-Piece Silver Disposable Dinnerware Set - Elegant Tableware for Holidays Price From 161,08$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View German Stainless Steel Chef Knives w. Scissors Sharpener Ergonomic Hollow Handle Price 311,61$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Hand Pinch Pipe Unblocker - Flexible Four Claw Retriever for Sink Drainage Price From 8,31$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View DAOMACHEN Chef Knives Kitchen Knives Cleaver Slicing Knives Price From 20,43$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View KNIFE SHARPENER Ceramic Tungsten Kitchen Knives Blade Sharpening System Tool USA Price 60,84$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Decorative Embossed Cookie Rolling Pin - Easy-to-Use Non-Stick Surface Price From 20,90$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Food Slice Assistant - Stainless Steel Onion Holder Slicer Tomato Cutter NonSlip Price 82,25$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Wine Bottle Cooler Stick Stainless Steel Chilling Rod Leakproof Beverage Freeze Price From 27,86$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Creative Tool Holder Large Capacity Holder Multifunctional Kitchen Tool Price From 30,64$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View High Quality Professional Knife Sharpener Price From 27,45$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Rialto Black Bar Cabinet by Treevol Furniture Regular Price 665,00$ Sale Price $655.00 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Gummy Bear Mold & Ice Tray: 3 Silicone Molds 🍬🧊 Price 74,84$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Bamboo Coffee Cup Price From 22,06$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View NOW.E. Colorful Portable Mist Spray Cup for Outdoor Sports 🌿 Price From 11,63$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Effortless Stainless Steel Pineapple Peeler Slicer - Kitchen Essential Price From 9,18$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Home Portable Manual Coffee Grinder Stainless Steel with Ceramic Burr Bean Mill Price 100,52$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View 1.8L Electric Tea Kettle, LED Light, Auto Shut-Off, Glass Black Price 75,17$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View 6Pcs Serrated Steak Knife Set, Wooden Handle, Stainless Steel Price 187,88$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Biscuit Press Biscuit Machine Price From 34,03$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Burger Press Stuffed Patty Maker Mold Slider EASY Homemade Hamburger Making Tool Price 31,21$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Colourful Reusable Stainless Steel Straws Price From 6,92$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Instant-Read Meat Thermometer Digital Electronic Food Temp Kitchen Cooking Grill Price 34,97$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Creative Bear Claw Shredder for Barbecue BBQ Price From 6,04$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Iron Pan Traditional Iron Wok Handmade Price From 23,26$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View 5-Piece Eco-Friendly Nonstick Baking Set - Premium Quality Price 151,24$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Quick View Portable Electric Kettle, Travel-Ready, Silicone, Blue Price 78,68$ Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Shop Now What We’re About AquaSoul Home is an enchanting online shopping destination where you can discover a captivating selection of home decor and gift items inspired by the Age of Aquarian spirit. Our shop is dedicated to offering a carefully curated collection that reflects the beauty, serenity, and ever-changing nature of our lives.. Learn More About Us Read Our Blogs - Enjoy Immersing yourself in captivating true stories, home decor inspirations, travel the world from your device, learn about all the cultures in the world, and much more 21 hours ago 2 min HUMANITARIAN AID FROM AQUASOUL HOME Aid for Haiti: Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 Policy Haitians NEED Help from Americans. This article was drafted to highlight our Aid For Haiti Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 policy. Know about donation. 9 views 0 comments Post not marked as liked Aug 4 4 min ENTREPRENEUR MOTIVATION Starting an Ecommerce Shop: A Comprehensive Guide to Overcoming Challenges and Finding Success Starting an Ecommerce shop can be beneficial and challenging. Learn from our owners experiences. Join us & get support to start your own. 4 views 0 comments 1 like. Post not marked as liked 1 May 6 2 min Empowering Change: Why AquaSoul Home's GoFundMe Campaign Matters In today's interconnected world, it's inspiring to witness individuals like Elizabeth Reed, founder of AquaSoul Home, taking proactive... 5 views 0 comments Post not marked as liked 1 2 3 4 5 More Ways to Save AquaSoul Home offers customers more ways to save on the home decor and gifting products you will love! Learn About AquaSoul Rewards Programs As a Subscribed Member at AquaSoul Home, you will earn points and rewards for completing simple tasks. Share our links and content on social media or locally with your family and friends. #EarnPoints and #EarnCoins for your actionable efforts to help us reach others interested in Curated Home Decor online shopping! Click the button below to learn more and subscribe today. Learn More Earn Points with AquaSoul Loyalty Program It's as easy as 1-2-3! 1. Sign Up Sign up as a member to start enjoying the loyalty program 2. 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At AquaSoul Home, we are dedicated to providing you with a unique and delightful shopping experience, and we would love to hear about your thoughts on our latest Waves of Life curated home decor and gift items. Elizabeth Reed, Owner/Chief Curator AquaSoul Home & Gift Shop, Gainesville, FL, USA Review Us Here comments debug Comments Log In Rated 0 out of 5 stars. No ratings yet Add a rating* Write a comment Write a comment Share Your Thoughts Be the first to write a comment. Join our Social Community Groups or Request to Create Your Own 🤝 Join Us and Be Part of Our Thriving Community Groups! 🌟 Connect, engage, and share your passion for home decor and gifting in our vibrant community groups. Join the conversation, get inspired, and be a part of our creative and supportive community. Your insights and ideas are always welcome! 🏡🎁 #CommunityGroups #HomeDecor #Gifting #AquaSoul Join Our Groups

  • Gifts 4 Haiti | AquaSoul Home Decor

    Filter by Category All School/Office Halloween Decor Toys for All Ages Party Decor Price 5,68$ 685,10$ Color Size Black Black Capacity 1200ML 1L 600ml Capacity size 40oz 501to600ml Color 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0.8cm 01Noodle machine 02Noodle machine 03Noodle machine 04Noodle machine 1 Color 1.4cm 1.Sky Blue 1.Sky Blue with box 10 Color 100 pieces 10pcs 10pcs L 10pcs M 11 Color 12 Color 12PC 12PC2SET 12PC3SET 12pcs 13 Color 14 Color 15 Color 16 Color 17 Color 18 Color 19 Color 1cm 2 Color 2 sets tools 20 Color 20 pieces 21 Color 22 Color 23 Color 24 Color 25 Color 26 Color 27 Color 28 with cup 2cm 2PC 3 Color 3 sets tools 3 sets tools Hand guard 30pcs set 3sets tools Pink hand guard 4 Color 40 pieces 40cm Panda Heart Holding Color 40cm pink heart color box 40cm red and color box 40cm red color box with white 4pcs MKC 4pcs set 4pcs set Hand guard 5 Color 5 pieces 6 Color 6 sets tools 6 sets tools Hand guard 60 pieces 7 Color 8 Color 9 Color ACU Army Green ArmyGreen Bay leaves Beige Beige with box Big 30pcs Big 3pc Big 5pcs Big Red 3 Black Black 2PC Black python pattern Black Red Black white 40cm Black with box Black with holes Black with Slicer Black without holes Black1 Blue Blue heart Blue red gradient Blue red gradient set Blue red gradient with box Blue set Blue with box bronze gold bronze silver Brown Burgundy Charcoal Christmas Beige Christmas Blue Christmas Green Christmas Red Christmas Red B Coffee Coffee color lid Coffee with box Color box Colorful Colorful set Colorful with box Copper Cream Cream white Dark pink Dark Pink Dark pink 2pcs Dark pink with box Dunes Eopard pattern laser Eucalyptus Fog color Forest Green Fruit infuser Gift box Gold Golden with holes Golden without holes Gradient Green Gradient Pink Gradient Purple Gradient Rose Gradient Yellow Gradual white to pink Gray Green Green gradient Green Gradient Purple Green gradient set Green gradient with box Green set Green White Green White 5piece set Green with box Green with Slicer Grey Grey heart Grey set Grey with box Halloween Cream black Halloween Cream white Halloween Cream white B Halloween dark Blue Halloween dark Blue B Ivory white Khaki Lake Blue Laser Light Blue Light Green Light green Light Green with box Light Grey Light Pink Light pink Light pink with box Light powder Medium Red 5pcs Mix pack 10pc MKC Multicolor Navy Navy Blue Orange Orange Red Panda Pink Pink hand guard Pink heart Pink love A Pink love B Pink purple gradient Pink purple gradient set Pink purple gradient with box Purple Purple blue gradient with box Purple blue yellow gradien set Purple blue yellow gradient Purple long 10pc Purple long 1pc Purple orange gradient Purple orange gradient set Purple with box Purpleorange gradient with box Rainbow Grreen Rainbow Pink Rainbow Purple Rainbow Rose Red Rainbow White Red Red 2pcs Red heart Red hug pink heart Red rust Red set Red set1 Red set2 Red White Red White 5piece set Red with box Red Yellow Rose Gold Rose gold Rose quartz Rose red Rose Red Rose Red 2PC Rose Red gift pack Roseo Royal Royal blue Royal Blue Royal blue with box Samll 4pc Samll yellow 5pcs Samll4pc+big3pc Sand Set Set1 Set2 Silver Silver 2PCS Silver 3PCS Silver with holes Silver1 Sky Blue Sky Blue 2pcs Sky Blue set Sky Blue set1 Sky Blue with box Small yellow 10pc Small yellow 1pc Small yellow 4 pack Special Blue Special Pink Special White Special Yellow Stainless steel Storm sea Straw Sunflower Thermal sublimation White White 2pcs White gray gradient White gray gradient set White gray gradient with box White heart White set White smiling face White with box White1 Wine Red Wine Red with box Yellow Yellow blue gradient Yellow blue gradient set Yellow blue gradient with box Yellow with box Yellow with Slicer Default 14-n-1 Set 15pc Set Default default EK233 Black Format 2pcs Simple packing 32cm glass cover 32cm no lid 32cm wooden cover 91mm 91mm with logo Glass cover Simple packing Wooden cover Lantern Size 3.38in6.38in Model 10 hole 10 Sides 10 Holes 12 hole 14in1 20 hole 4 hole 4 Sides 4 Holes 6 Sides 6 Holes 8 hole 8 Sides 16 Holes 8 Sides 8 Holes Quantity 2 5 7 9 7PCS 7PCS 2sets 7PCS 4sets 7PCS 6sets 7PCS 8sets Shape Rectangula L Rectangular S Round Ships From CHINA israel Mexico spain United States Size 1 set 10 inches 10X6cm 115mm 12X6cm 145mm 14X7cm 165mm 16X7cm 18cm 18X7.5cm 1SET 2 Set 20cm 20X7.5cm 210mm 22cm 26X8cm 2SET 3 Set 32oz 350ml 3mm 3SET 4 Set 400ml 40oz 450ml 450ml Ordinary cup cap 45X45cm 6 cups 600ml 65mm 8X6cm 95mm All size Set Silver Two cushions Style 23pcs set 3 sets 3.5 inch 3.5 inch + 7inch 3.5 paring knife 3.5+5+7inch 4PC 3.5 inch 4PC 5 inch 4PC 7 inch 4PC 8 inch 4PCS 5 inch 5 santoku knife 5in Universal knife 5pcs value set 5set 6 boning knife 6pc set 6pcs set 7 cleaver knife 7 inch 7in santoku 8 bread knife 8 chef knife 8 chef+ 7 clever 8 inch 8 slicing knife 8chef+5santoku+3.5pairing 8chef+6bon+5san+3.5pair 8chef+7clever+3.5pairing 8chef+8bread+6bon+3.5pair 8pcs value set BEND Black set Black1 Black2 Blue Blue Checkered Default Extended Set Gray White Checkered Green Orange Pink Floral Pouch Purple Checkered Red Rose Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 STRAIGHT STRAIGHT.BENT Suit Ten piece set Tropical Leaves White Floral With cover With cover and mat Without Bag Without cover Type Food Slicer Custom Filter School/Office Halloween Decor Toys for All Ages Party Decor Bedroom Home Fitness Kitchen Free Shipping Bathroom Bulk Order Eligible Outdoor Fun Low Stock - Under 100 left Living Room Lighting & Electronics Sort by Add to Cart Retro LED Lantern Battery Operated - Halloween Castle Hanging Lamp Price From 1,83$ Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Solar Hand Crank USB Charging Radio Flashlight with AM/FM/NOAA Support Price 47,33$ Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Black Outdoor Solar Motion Sensor Light - 350° & 90° Angle, Fake Security Camera Price 119,52$ Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Portable Mini Keychain Light - Adventure Essential Price 5,68$ Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Solar Camping Shower 20L - Adventure Essential Price 64,35$ Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart ANTARCTICA 60-in-1 Emergency Survival Gear Kit with Tools and First Aid Price 143,55$ Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart 14-In-1 Outdoor Emergency Survival Kit - Tactical Gear Set Price 101,94$ Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart 14-in-1 Outdoor Survival Gear Kit - Adventure Essentials Price 91,47$ Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Ultimate Survival Vest: Versatile Outdoor Companion Price From 60,85$ Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Ambitelligence Rechargeable Camping Fan - Adventure Essential Price 57,60$ Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Portable Camping Lantern Fan - Outdoor Adventure Essential Price 91,74$ Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Essential Swiss Army Gear: Compact 30+ Functions Price From 16,30$ Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Modern Faux Leather Convertible Sofa Bed with Armrests - 65" x 32" x 14" Price From 271,68$ Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Best Outdoor Water Filter: Portable Purification Tool Price 32,93$ Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Multifunctional Canvas Harvest Pouch: Outdoor Waist Bag for Foraging Price 27,14$ Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Portable Stainless Steel Camping Wood Stove Backpacking Backyard Cooking BBQ Price From 52,60$ Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Strengthened Automatic Fishing Net - Foldable Shrimp Cage Nylon Trap Price From 9,36$ Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart 100-Piece Boxed Fish Hook Set with Ise Ni 3-12 Barbed Hook, Gold, Black, Silver Price From 6,76$ Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart 10x LED Night Fishing Bait Bite Alarm Price 32,54$ Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Metal Element Cube Collection: High Purity Periodic Table Samples Price 202,44$ Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Acrylic Periodic Table: 83 Real Elements, Easy-to-Read, Science Gifts Price 120,46$ Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart NOW.E. Colorful Portable Mist Spray Cup for Outdoor Sports 🌿 Price From 11,63$ Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Stainless Steel Wide-mouth Outdoor Sports Vacuum Flask Price From 39,44$ Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy Add to Cart Motivational Tritan Water Bottle 🕒💧 Price From 7,51$ Buy 3, Get 1, Gift 1 Excluding Sales Tax | Shipping Policy

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    Privacy Policy Last Updated: October 4, 2023 (10/04/2023) AquaSoul Home & Gift Shop ("we," "us," or "our") is committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your information when you use our website. Information We Collect: Personal Information : We may collect personal information such as your name, email address, shipping address, billing information, and contact details when you create an account, place an order, or subscribe to our newsletter. Transaction Information : We collect information related to your purchases, including order details, payment information, and transaction history. Usage Data : We gather data on how you interact with our website, including pages visited, products viewed, and the duration of your visits. Cookies and Tracking Technologies : We use cookies and similar technologies to enhance your browsing experience, personalize content, and analyze site traffic. You can manage your cookie preferences through your browser settings. How We Use Your Information: Order Fulfillment : We use your information to process and fulfill your orders, including payment processing, shipping, and customer service. Communication : We may use your contact details to provide order updates, respond to inquiries, and send marketing communications if you've opted in. Improvement and Analysis: We use data to improve our website, products, and services. This includes analyzing user behavior and preferences. Legal Compliance : We may need to use or disclose your information to comply with legal obligations, respond to government requests, or protect our rights and interests. Data Security: We implement reasonable security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. However, no method of data transmission over the Internet is completely secure. Third-Party Disclosure: We may share your information with trusted third parties, such as payment processors and shipping carriers, to facilitate order processing and delivery. We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer your personal information to outside parties for marketing purposes. Your Choices: Access and Correction: You can access, correct, or update your personal information by logging into your account or contacting our customer service. Opt-Out : You can opt out of receiving marketing communications by following the instructions provided in our emails or contacting us directly. Children's Privacy: Our website is not intended for children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from individuals under 13. Changes to this Privacy Policy: We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy as necessary. Any changes will be posted on our website, and the date of the last update will be indicated. Contact Us: If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please contact us at .

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